Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Process of preliminary task

Today I finally uploaded my interview on mobile phones. I had a lot of trouble uploading the video to computers, and processing it, and exporting it. Yesterday, I spent 3 hours of my spare time, editing and adding things into the interview to make it look professional, however, I could not upload it due to a group members internet explorer being an old version. After exporting the video to an AVI file, I could save it on a pendrive and switch computers. I then uploaded my video to youtube, and then embed the code to put onto blogger.
My interview can now be seen below.

Final interview


Monday, 12 July 2010

Having trouble and overcoming problems.

After having trouble with the uploading of the interview,and the sound not working, I eventually uploaded the video as you can see in a previous post, and realised why the sound was not working. By the time this happend, it was the end of lesson, and I had free time to start editing our production. During this time, I edited the interview and imported cutaways throughout the interview, and also used transitions to cut back to the interview from the different cutaways.
I have uploaded screengrabs of my work throughout the editing process, and these can be seen below.

Our interwiew

In this post, I have uploaded our group's interview that we have produced on mobile phones. We have edited out the interviewer asking the questions, so we are left with just the answers, and cutaways throughout the interview.
It is now the end of the lesson, and we have had technical issues uploading our video, as we have uploaded them 3-4 times, and the sound is not working on all of the ones we have tried to upload.
I am going to use my free time and see if i can still edit some of the interview and ad in cutaways.

In an earlier post, you can see we wanted to use a picture as our background during our interview. As plans changed throughout the production, and due to my group being absent, this could not be arranged, and also due to time and trouble with the equipment, we could not use this as our background.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Preliminary- In the making

Over the past couple of days, we have been collecting our data for our documentary.
As I was absent for a few days, the rest of my group collected still pictures and video footage for our interview, however, when I came back into school, we had to collect our video footage again as we had some trouble with the first one.
So, we collected more still pictures, and more video footage on the day I came back, and we had more trouble uploading it as the school server disc was full.
A group friend decided to save the work on her memory stick, and is absent today and I can't collect screen grabs or edit the footage by myself, as its on her memory stick.
When we are all back in school, I will be able to collect screengrabs and upoload pictures and video footage to the blog.