We used similar slogans in our documentary and our radio trailer so that they would link together and form a relationship. Our slogan used on our print ad is ‘What your clothes really say about you’ and this would draw in the audience because they want to know what clothes say about them. Our title ‘Are you what you wear?’ is used on all three products and this links them all together.
Here is a voice recording of the script above.
This is a voice recording of the script below.
Key image- The image we used on the print ad shows different items of clothing and body parts. For example we used someone’s head, somebody else’s arm, somebody else’s shoe, etc. This connotes people wearing different clothing and connoting ‘are you what you wear?’.
Below is a montage of all the images we used to create our print advert.
This is a recording of the script below.
The voiceover is used during the documentary and the radio ad. We decided on this as it links the two together. We chose to use a male voiceover which was clear and understanding with not much accent so the audience could understand clearly.
Also on the print ad, where our title, slogan and scheduling is shown we have used a red background, we also used this colour red behind the channel 4 logo so that they would link together the documentary and the channel.
This is a recording of the script below.
The music used at the beginning of the documentary is also used on the radio ad, and we chose to do this so both would link together. We chose to use Scissor Sisters – Filthy/Gorgeous as it was very upbeat and really went well with our title sequence. Also at the beginning the word ‘gorgeous’ is used and this could relate to what your clothes are saying about you by being ‘gorgeous’.
Here is a recording of the script below.
Channel and Scheduling
We have used the channel and scheduling on all of our tasks. Similar documentaries are shown at this time on this channel and this is good for our documentary as we will attract the audience of those documentaries.
Channel 4 has many audiences and one of them audiences is similar to the audience that our documentary is targeted at.
This is a recording of the script below.
To advertise our documentary, a print ad and a radio trailer was created. Below is a montage of where our documentary would be advertised.
This is a recording of the script below
We will also have our radio advert advertised on selective local radio stations, but also for DAB radio listeners as we will attract a wider range of our target audience from all over the country.
Our radio advert will be scheduled for different times during the day. Appropriate times for our documentary to be advertised would probably be prime time, for example 7am – 10am as people would be listening on their way to work, people on their way to school/college/university etc and this could attract a large audience between these times. Another time of day which is quite popular on the radio is lunchtime being 12pm-2am as people would be on lunch breaks or the radio could be on throughout the working day. And finally the last popular time on the radio would be from 4pm-7pm as this would be the ‘drive time’ show as people will be coming back from work and sometimes tune in to the radio, or being at home and listening at home. DAB listeners could be listening via their TV or internet around these times too.
The print ad could be advertised on which ever day of the week as different people read different newspapers on different days. But it would be compulsory that the print ad was in all newspapers the day it was being screened on TV.
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